Always make sure you only have ONE localhost SSL certificate in your store

Landon | Jun 14, 2017

Stay in web development long enough, and eventually you’re going to need to do development work over an SSL connection. Because development work in SSL is typically done on localhost (like most development), you will need a certificate that certifies that localhost is secure. If you don’t, your browser will try to prevent you from […]

Filtering links using the WordPress ‘the_permalink’ filter

Landon | Jun 06, 2017

This morning I improved this theme by adding a filter to WordPress’s ‘the_permalink’ filter. The idea was to scan post content, pull out the first link in a post and then use that link as the permalink, so to speak. By doing this, I make it so that I can simply point my readers to […]

Thank you for visiting!

Landon | Jun 04, 2017

I’m very glad you’ve chosen to stop by. Since you’re here, I might as well describe what I hope to accomplish with this site, and my purpose in hosting it. I am a web developer. I code. A lot. That normally would be enough to qualify me as a nerd. But since I’ve also got […]